Working with high-risk patients increases your business risk. Insurance policies for home healthcare shield against malpractice lawsuits, injuries, and more.

These policies provide coverage for the most common risks of home healthcare.

Business owner’s policy

A BOP bundles commercial property and general liability insurance under one plan. It's often the most cost-effective commercial insurance for a home healthcare provider.


  • Slip-and-fall accidents

  • Damaged patient property

  • Damaged customer property

Business owner’s policy

A BOP bundles commercial property and general liability insurance under one plan. It's often the most cost-effective commercial insurance for a home healthcare provider.


  • Slip-and-fall accidents

  • Damaged patient property

  • Damaged customer property

General liability insurance

This policy covers common home healthcare risks, such as an elderly patient falling and breaking a hip. Bundle with property insurance to save in a business owner’s policy.


  • Slip-and-fall accidents

  • Damaged patient property

  • Libel or slander lawsuits

Professional liability insurance

This policy, also called malpractice insurance, covers legal expenses if a patient sues a home healthcare provider for an error or oversight, such as administering the wrong medication.


  • Improper medical treatment

  • Accusations of negligence

  • Mistakes or oversights

Cyber liability insurance

This policy helps home healthcare providers survive data breaches and cyberattacks. It can often be added to a BOP or general liability policy for savings.


  • Cost of notifying affected clients

  • Lawsuits over a data breach

  • Fraud monitoring costs

How much does business insurance cost for healthcare professionals?

  • Several factors will have an impact on insurance costs, including:

  • Healthcare services offered

  • Medical equipment and property

  • Revenue

  • Location

  • Number of employees

Why do home healthcare providers need insurance?

As the owner of a home healthcare agency, you know all too well the challenges of working with a vulnerable population. Personal care aides face similar risks, only without the added liability of meeting the medical needs of clients. Business insurance can protect you from slip-and-fall injuries, property damage, and other common risks so that you can continue to provide the best service possible.