What types of insurance do digital marketing companies need?

These policies provide coverage for the most common risks of digital marketing.

General liability insurance

This policy covers basic digital marketing agency risks, such as a client breaking a wrist in your office. Bundle with property insurance for savings in a business owner’s policy.


  • Slip-and-fall accidents

  • Damaged customer property

  • Damaged business property

Errors and omissions insurance

This policy, also called technology E&O, covers lawsuits over work mistakes. It could pay for legal fees if a client sues over a failed marketing campaign or missed deadline.


  • Missed deadlines

  • Failure to produce promised results

  • Work errors and oversights

Workers’ compensation insurance

This policy helps digital marketing agencies survive data breaches and cyberattacks. It can cover customer notification costs after a breach, lawsuits, and other related expenses.


Data breach lawsuits

Client notification expenses

Fraud monitoring costs

Workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is required in almost every state for digital marketing agencies with employees. It can cover medical fees and lost wages for work-related injuries.


  • Employee medical expenses

  • Missed wages

  • Legal costs

How much does insurance cost for retail businesses?

Several factors will have an impact on insurance costs, including:

Business equipment and property

Retail products and services offered



Number of employees

Business equipment and property

Running a convenience store or a drug shop is a risky business. Since many stores are open 24 hours a day with minimal staff, they’re a prime target for criminals. Convenience store insurance and pharmacy insurance can help cover the cost of inventory theft, employee injuries, customer lawsuits, and other risks.