Compare Umbrella Liability Insurance Rates

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Umbrella / Excess liability

This policy provides additional coverage once another policy limit is reached. It can boost coverage on general liability insurance and other liability policies.

What is umbrella liability insurance?

Umbrella / excess liability insurance

Once a another policy’s limit is reached, umbrella insurance (or excess liability insurance) provides additional funds for claims made on general liability, commercial auto, or employer’s liability insurance.

Umbrella insurance can give you $1 million in coverage* on top of your auto or homeowners policy limits. If you injure someone or damage their property, you might not have enough coverage. An umbrella policy could save you from paying out of your own pocket.

When do businesses need umbrella liability insurance?

Umbrella liability insurance, also called excess liability insurance, boosts the coverage limits of an existing liability policy. Businesses that purchase this policy usually need it to fulfill a contract that requests higher than standard policy limits. For example, if a client contract required a general liability policy with a $5 million limit, an umbrella policy of $4 million would be added to your existing $1 million general liability policy.

If a lawsuit ends up costing more than your liability insurance policy limit, commercial umbrella coverage frees up additional funds so you don’t end up paying out of pocket. An umbrella policy is often a cheaper option than increasing the limits on your liability insurance.

Umbrella insurance can supplement liability coverages of:

General liability insurance

Employer's liability insurance (often included in workers' compensation)

Commercial auto insurance

What situations could umbrella insurance cover?

Injuries to other people if you're at fault

Damage to other people's property

Injuries or damage caused by your renters

Certain lawsuits, like slander and defamation

Why buy umbrella insurance?

Without an umbrella policy, you could lose your home and savings due to a major claim.

Liability claims are often expensive. You might have to work for years to pay off a claim.

Lawsuits can happen to anyone. You can be sued even if you're not wealthy or at-fault.

Before you can purchase umbrella liability insurance for any of these policies, an insurer will require you to carry at least $1 million in coverage on an underlying policy.

Businesses that need this policy:

Need more protection and are on a budget

Are required to carry a high liability policy limit to work with a certain client

Have high liability risks, such as a business location with a lot of foot traffic

Want to cover exclusions in their existing liability policies

Umbrella liability insurance costscover:

Umbrella insurance can cost less than increasing the limits of the underlying policy. Several factors affect policy costs, including:

Industry and risk

Coverage limits


Number of employees

Number of vehicles

Who else might want an umbrella insurance policy?

You and your spouse if a resident of your household

Relatives residing in your household

Household resident under age 21 in the care and custody of you or your spouse