What types of insurance do e-commerce and online retailers need?

These policies provide coverage for the most common risks of online retail.

Business owner’s policy

A business owner’s policy bundles property insurance and general liability insurance in one plan. It's often the most cost-effective type of commercial insurance for online retailers.


  •   Customer injuries

  •   Stolen or damaged inventory property

  •   Business interruption incidents

General liability insurance

This policy covers basic e-commerce risks, such as a delivery person stumbling on your porch and breaking a leg. Bundle with property insurance in a business owner’s policy.


  • Slip-and-fall accidents

  • Damaged customer property

  • Libel or slander lawsuits

Workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is required in almost every state for e-commerce businesses that have employees. It can cover medical costs for work-related injuries


  • Employee medical expenses

  • Partial missed wages

  • Lawsuits over employee injuries

Umbrella / excess liability insurance

Once an online business reaches its policy limit, umbrella insurance (or excess liability insurance) boosts coverage on general liability or employer’s liability policies.


  • Customer injury lawsuits

  • Customer property damage lawsuits

  • Employee injury lawsuits

How much does insurance cost for retail businesses?

Several factors will have an impact on insurance costs, including:

  •   Retail products and services offered

  •   Business equipment and property

  •   Revenue

  •   Location

  •   Number of employees

Why do e-commerce and online retailers need insurance?

Your complex drawings often include technical details and specific measurements. A simple error can have major repercussions on a project – which could lead to a costly lawsuit. Business insurance for draftsmen shields your business from the high cost of As an online store owner, you may think you’ve dodged a lot of liability, but you still face many of the same risks of any retail store. With the right e-commerce business insurance, you gain protection against damaged inventory, product liability lawsuits, and other unexpected costs.